Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Let me tell you about my Saint

The Saint I have chosen to be my patron Saint (or maybe he chose me) is St. Francis of Assisi.  I will take the name Francis as my confirmation name. 

A lot of people who choose St. Francis choose him because of his love for animals.  I do have a love of animals, so that does fit for me, but that is not why I chose him.

Saint Francis grew up in a very wealthy family, and he lived a very lavish lifestyle.  Despite being surrounded by any material thing he could have ever wanted, he was not fulfilled.  He traded that lifestyle in for a life of poor, simple, peaceful living for God.

It is that peace, that simple peace, that I yearn for so much with all of my heart.  For probably the first time in my life, I feel that peace within me.  I feel beautiful, loved, and I feel at peace.  This is a peace unlike any I have ever felt. 

Saint Francis once preached to a flock of birds, because that is who was around to hear him.  That is me.  I no longer care who listens to me, if it is one, if it is many, or if it is only myself and a flock of birds. 

Every morning, I take my coffee out on the patio, and I listen to my bird-song of peace surround me, and my soul is at rest.  I will sing with the birds, and I will soar high, and I don't care who sees me.  I no longer worry about what others think of me, or if I fit in, or if I am "good enough."  I am at peace with myself, at peace with my soul.  I have always been a peacemaker for others.  Now, I am a peacemaker for me. 


  1. love this. especially that you are now a peacemaker for yourself.

  2. I love this. and you. I hope to see you soon, my friend. ~ Cecily
