Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Half way there

I really did intend to blog every day, other than during my journey.  While the physical part is over, the rest is still going on and I haven't really had anything to write about.  This past week was just another week, and I have spent time doing things I enjoy, spending time with my family, and preparing for some busy weeks ahead.  It's also been pretty warm outside, mid-80's, and my A/C isn't currently working so it's been pretty hot and muggy in the house, which is great for laying on a sofa and doing a whole lot of nothing.

Anyway, I have past the half-way mark of the 40 days of Lent.  As for facebook, I honestly don't miss it at all.  I can say that with truth and certainty.  There are some people I am wondering about, hoping life is going well for them, wondering how they are doing and what is going on, but a majority of the people on my friends list, I can say I haven't wondered about.  I know that sounds mean, but I don't intend it to come across in an insulting way.  It is just the truth.  I am pretty sure those people haven't wondered about me either, which is fine with me.  That is what happens when you surround yourself with acquaintances.  It isn't good or bad, it just is.

I did a big purge before my break, and I am planning on doing a major purge when I come back.  I will also probably spend a lot less time on facebook.  I am thinking a once or twice a week check in, but only time will tell.  I am pretty sure I am not going to add the app back onto my phone.  My battery power is staying much higher without the constant notifications, despite the fact that I've been talking on the phone a lot more often.

Feelings of jealousy (yep, I said that out loud) are gone along with feelings of not being "good enough" and I'd like to keep it that way.  I am happy with being me, and I have friends that I see regularly and talk to regularly, and despite having "less" in my life, I am feeling much more enriched, fulfilled, and satisfied. 

Busy weeks are coming ahead full of appointments, phone calls that need to be made, house to prepare for guests, gifts to be bought, heads and hearts to ready, and instead of feeling the usual feeling of being completely and utterly overwhelmed, I am feeling rather serene.  I am not looking ahead and stressing, rather I am taking it one day at a time, and I know good things await me when I am done.

I will try to be better at updating, but I will do what I can do, and if I get to it great, if not, the world will certainly not end.

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