Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chain and chat

Today turned out to be an awesome day.  Of course we went to Mass this morning, which is always a good pick me up.  I love going to Mass.  It leaves me with such a peace in my soul, and it really recharges my batteries for the week ahead.  My hubby loves Mass, and the girls love Mass and we all look forward to going each week. Even though it is the day us girls have to get up the earliest, everyone wakes up willingly and with no complaining.  We were going on Wednesday nights as well before our class, however the use of incense during Holy Hour really aggravates asthma girl, so we avoid that day of the week.

I had talked to some women last month regarding a get together for a crochet group and I expressed interest in going.  I forgot to ask about it the day it was to start, or I was busy or something (I do not really remember a month ago) and I didn't end up going.  I thought it was a monthly thing, but wasn't sure.  With so much going on lately, it didn't occur to me to ask someone.

After Mass today, I went into the book store/gift shop to get a gift for someone, and the woman running the shop is the one heading up the crochet group.  I was mentioning that I needed some more coffee, and she mentioned first where to get coffee (God bless the guy who makes coffee every week!) and then that the group was meeting at 2:30.  I told her I was pretty tired and run down, but I might make it.  Honestly, after yesterdays bit of anxiety, I was leery about going out alone again, and also, we usually spend Sunday together as a family.

I mentioned it to the hubster, and he said I should definitely go.  I tend to find excuses not to go to things.  Truthfully, when I am not typing behind a computer screen, I am shy.  I am a social introvert for sure, and new people and situations make me nervous.  I love to crochet.  It sometimes makes me feel like an old lady (complete with my arthritis at the ripe old age of 37), but I love it.  I am also not good at it.  I am good at some things, but I am pretty much self taught after a lesson with a family member, and I am just now (after years and years) learning to read a pattern, and sometimes I don't understand what a pattern is saying to do, and I make it up as I go along.  I feared that my skills weren't up there with the other ladies, and I didn't want to be an annoyance or cause someone to spend the entire time teaching me.

I thought some and realized that hubby was right.  I should go.  I need to get involved, and to hang out with other women who are mentors to me on this faith journey, and with others who are of a like mind.  While picking up the girls from their classes, I asked another lady what we were required to bring.  She said just yarn and a hook, see you at 2:30.  So it was decided.

At a quarter after 2, I nervously packed up a couple of skeins of yarn and my pack of various sized crochet hooks and headed out the door.  I told the family I would probably be no longer than an hour.  I didn't imagine I'd be gone that long, seeing as how I had already decided I'd probably either be a big flop or I'd crash and burn socially after that long.  I couldn't have been more wrong.

I was welcomed right in, and even when I informed them that I was self taught and at beginner level, only having made blankets, hats and scarves, I was told I wasn't the only one, and that if I made a hat, I was surely better than I thought.  I looked at the sample the leader had brought in and thought, "whoa, I am waaaaaay out of my league here!"  Then I looked at the pattern, which appeared to be written in a foreign language, and felt certain I would end up sitting there without a clue.

We started together, row by row, and when we got to a part that someone didn't understand (I wasn't the only one!!) we talked over it longer, and when necessary, the leader came around and showed us how.  The longer we crocheted, the more comfortable I got.  The more comfortable I got, the chattier I became.  We all sat there, women of all different ages and backgrounds, with the common bond of being Catholic (or almost in my case) and love of yarn crafting.  We talked about crafts, about what things were like when we were growing up, our families, our interests, little things about us (like I am a lefty, technically, but I crochet with my right hand) and just about all kinds of things.  We drank coffee, there were snacks, but mostly we just sat there and enjoyed our time.

Before I left, hubby and I had planned on eating our Sunday dinner around 4:30 or so.  You know, because I wasn't going to be gone that long.  (Sunday crock pot dinner for the win!  Throw it all in before Mass and come home to a dinner that's already made!)  I decided to look at my watch, being sure only an hour had passed.  I was shocked when I discovered that it had been over 2 hours.  Even though I wasn't done with my square (I believe the end goal of these weekly projects is to make various types of squares and then put them together into an afghan), I was well on my way and had gotten the approval that my work indeed looked the way it should.  I did decide to go ahead and leave, since I knew I was being waited on for dinner at home. 

The ladies thanked me for coming and I thanked them as well for asking me and told them that I was thankful I came, because I am shy and I was worried I wouldn't be good enough.  They said that I did very very well (look at those nice perfect stitches!) and that they were glad I decided to come and they look forward to having me every week.  I walked out of there feeling like a new woman.  It has been a long while since I felt like I "belong" anywhere, and I felt so much like a part of things, and I felt like I had a place where being me was just fine.  I was glowing, and happy and so content with myself.  I am thankful that I pushed myself, and most thankful that God gave me the opportunity to meet these wonderful ladies and welcome me into their group.

And then I stopped at McDonald's for a sweet tea on the way home, where I got hit on by a much younger guy.  Yep, my 37 year old gray-haired arthritic self got hit on.  As silly as it sounds, I smiled as I walked away with my tea. 

What a perfect day!

1 comment:

  1. This just gave me the biggest smile! I'm happy that you had a great day, and I understand totally about having trouble feeling like you belong anywhere. I have the same problem. I always worry that I'll not be good enough, I just handle it a little differently - When nervous, I tend to TALK and TALK and TALK and TALK... I can't shut up, and I can't let people get a word in. IF they did, they might say something that hurt.

    Anyway - Enough about me - this is about you and your journey. I was just trying to explain that I totally relate, though most would not guess it by the way I "Over Socialize".
