Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Monday, February 27, 2012

Wonderful Weekend

I did not write a blog post for the weekend days because we had out of town company.  The time went by way too quickly with our dear friends, but the only time i picked up the computer at all was to pour over some things on pinterest with my friend, and I think to look up the weather as they left this morning.

We talked a bit about how things are going with the no facebook thing, and it was fun to discuss the positive ways that it has affected my life.  My friend gave up her faceboook account some time back, and I always thought to myself, "I could never do that."  But really, I seeing how she could.  I am thinking that when this 40 day period is over, I may just check in once a week.  I am already thinking that this will be a good way to cull down my friends list for sure.  I will be able to know which people I missed and thought of (and maybe even who missed and thought of me) and anyone who doesn't fit in that category, I plan on doing a serious evaluation on whether or not I need to be able to be a voyeur into their lives, and whether or not they need to be a voyeur into mine.

A wonderful part of this weekend: we have officially been recognized by our diocese as candidates for confirmation.  This is the reason our friends came up here to see us, was to be with us as we went to the Cathedral and had our enrollment. We see them on a regular basis anyway, not just a specific reason, but this was the main purpose this trip. 

Our friends are our sponsors for our conversion.  Long story without too many details:  I knew the husband of our friend couple when I was in high school (different schools).  Nick knew the wife of the couple.  Neither one of our couple met the other half in high school.  I lost touch with the husband, got connected again some years later and we realized we had married spouses who went to the same school, and then that they knew each other.  We got our families together for a nervous first visit (what if his wife/her husband don't like us?) and the rest is history.

I believe that God has had a hand on me in my life from the beginning.  I believe that each step I have taken in my life was known about by God, and that all parts, even the bad ones, have had a reason.  To me though, to be able to trace the path that I am on now back to high school, well, honestly, it blows me away.  God knew that when I made a friend 20 some years ago, that it would be that very friend who would marry his wife, who was Catholic, and that he would convert, and that years after that, we would reconnect and that their family would be a catalyst in our conversion process.

Seeing my children and theirs (who may as well be siblings at this point) saying the same prayers together now, when the first time we got together my kids had no idea what those prayers were, it warms my heart in a way I cannot even describe.  Our friends have held our hands from the beginning of this process, even when we were just questioning, and now they are sponsoring Nick and myself, and our oldest daughter as well, for our Confirmations.  They have also taken on the roll of Godparents of the girls.

I already knew I am lucky to have the people in my life that I do, but now it feels like I can see it and appreciate it more clearly than before.

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