Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What is that?'s quiet.  I have forgotten what quiet was like.  Without my phone blinging off and on all day letting me know of a facebook notification, it has been a lot quieter here.  The only thing blinging from my phone is the occasional email, text message, or blackberry message from Nick.  I am quickly getting out of the habit of picking the phone up constantly to look at it.  I caught myself doing it once this morning, and that was really the only time.

Back to the quiet.  Besides the physical quiet, there is also the mental quiet.  The lack of constant distraction has caused me to have to adjust to just being, and just sitting with my thoughts, and it has also made me realize just how not relaxed I am. 

I have also been a lot more productive.  I am still exhausted from thyroid issues that are not quite under control with medication yet, and still doing a "15 minutes of doing followed by 15 minutes of resting" thing, but I have gotten a lot more done.  We have good friends coming in this weekend to stay a few days, and usually by this time I am still rushing around like a madwoman preparing.  The only thing left to do is put fresh sheets on the beds for them tomorrow morning. 

I got done with the items on my to do list, did some more things that were not on my to do list but needed done, and then.....I sat.  In the quiet.  I checked my email from the laptop, played a few minutes of a dopey game, but even that, which usually can suck me in for an hour or more, wasn't quite cutting it for me. 

I thought about reading for a while, but instead I just sat.  In the quiet.

I think I could get used to this quiet thing. 

I do have 4 children, so my "quiet" and the quiet of someone who does not have 4 children, or whose children are in school, get it.  Your mileage may vary on the quiet bit.  But, it was enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. I relish my quiet... it usually comes before the house formally wakes up and gets off to work that day, or on the weekends it happens before the house wakes up. (The house being the other humans).

    When I'm here by myself, it's too much quiet. I really hadn't thought about it before, but I do get quite lonely. I catch myself calling people I haven't spoken to in quite a while, or otherwise harassing those that I do talk to daily.

    I have always admired your "15 on, 15 off"... I just have yet to be able to master it. You lead by example too, and apparently I don't follow well.

    It sounds horrible, but I miss you on FB. We don't talk enough. We hardly ever get time to hang out. I'll try to call you today, and hopefully that lack of FB in your bubble will give us time to just talk about nothing and everything all at once.

    My love to your family, and my love to you.

    Congratulations on all the introspection, and I'm rooting for you... even though I miss your daily dose of funny life moments.

