Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Rustic Altar at St. Augustine

Monday, February 27, 2012


One thing that I do, that I have always done, and grapple with on an almost daily basis, is that I compare myself with other people.  Constantly.  Beauty, parenting abilities, talent, intelligence, weight, popularity...these are just some of the things that I compare.  The thing is, I always come up short.  Whoever I am comparing myself to, they are always much better off at whatever the thing is than I am.

I was talking to a friend this morning (something else I have more time and more inspiration to do now) and I was telling her this and she commented that I am much too hard on myself.  We talked about how I have been feeling happier with myself than I was, and how I am gaining comfort in my own skin (something I have been lacking for a good long time now) and just how in general, I am more content to be me. 

Something she said struck me.  "It's because you are no longer comparing yourself to 200 other people." 

Wow.  She is so incredibly right.  I am no longer reading about 200 other peoples days and deciding how those 200 people are way better than I am at pretty much everything.  I am not becoming socially inept.  Instead, I am having phone conversations, seeing people, conversing with people that I see every week at church but don't usually stop and talk to, and I am happy.  I am feeling something else I haven't felt in a long time, content.  I don't need to be more stylish, I don't need to be prettier, I don't need to have 45 people comment on my post about whatever, I don't need to be better at underwaterbasketweaving, etc. etc. to be happy.  I am happy being me, looking like me, having the friends that I have, and doing what I do.
This next bit is regarding religion, so if you don't want to read it, stop here, that's fine.  If you want to read and think I am a whack job, feel free.  If you want to debate my belief system, it won't hurt my feelings.

The constant comparing, as I said, is something I struggle with.  It is also something I have been working on.  I had somewhat of an epiphany regarding this at the beginning of the year, and it is something I have tried to keep constant awareness of, but the no facebook has made it easier.

When I compare myself to someone else, and I come up short, what I am in essence saying is that God didn't do a good enough job when He made me the way I am.  Who am I to say that?  I  may never be the best <insert whatever here>, but I am the way God made me, with the gifts He gave me, and it is wrong of me, sinful actually, to act as if I know better than He who/what/how I should be.  That's not to say I don't need to work hard towards goals, or try to get better at something or practice, etc. but I need to be happy with who I am and get to like myself. This was made clear to me before now, but now I feel as if I am truly starting to understand how to put this theory into practice.


  1. you have GOT to watch the Comparison Trap. OR you can listen to it as a podcast or online. Our pastor just wrapped up a 3 week series called the Comparison Trap. It's AMAZING!!!

  2. This is going to sound so very corny, but I am SO PROUD to be your friend. I'm also SUPER proud of you, and brag about you often.

    You are:
    * A great friend to me, never once letting me down.
    * A great Mom, from whom I take cues when taking care of my own "Kids"
    * You are the EXAMPLE of an awesome Army Wife - Which is a really hard line to tow.
    * You are wonderful to your husband and kids, and HAVE EARNED their love and trust.
    * You think of lovely things to do for them, that show that love, instead of just keeping it to yourself (EVERYTHING needs to know the good, WAY more than the bad).

    This is just what I can think of off the top of my head - If you'd like a more complete list, it would be my honor to write one. If you ever need a good swift kick, because you're feeling less than, give me a call - I'll stop what I'm doing, and if I can't I'll make sure I call you back as soon as I can step out of what ever kept me from answering.

    I love you, I think you're wonderful and thank you for being my friend.

